
There are several ways you can help EPIC Kids:

Your generous donations help us keep our presence throughout the community as a children's non-profit organization so that we may continue to empower young people and their families through technology, renewable energy, education and health related projects and initiatives.

Make a Donation Online 

EPIC Kids Foundation through 

Donate by Mail 
Checks can be made out to EPIC KIds Foundation and mailed directly to 
EPIC Kids Foundation
200 Creek Run Court
Alpharetta GA 30005

Estate/Trust Administration-EPIC Kids Foundation can be designated as your beneficiary through a bequest, a trust agreement, life insurance, retirement account, or other form of planned gift.

Gifts of Securities- By giving to the EPIC Kids Foundation, you will enable us to support and serve children in our community.

In kind donations, books, art supplies, industry professionals and educators interested in donating your time and talent…please contact Kim Whitaker at 678.895.6843 ( or email: